In response to the current virus pandemic all curling was stopped on 16th March. We hope to resume in the autumn, if the situation has improved sufficiently by then.
Members are encouraged to follow Government advice, and to stay safe as far as possible.
Congratulations to Ethan Brewster and his team of Sam Lynch, Marc Lyon, Fraser Riddoch, and Petroleum’s Luke Perras who have won this season’s Asham U14 Slam series.
The boys finished runners up to Dumfries in the high road final of the Stranraer event last Saturday. Taken together with earlier strong performances in the Forfar, Aberdeen, and Perth events , this result was enough to earn Aberdeen the overall winning position across the series.
This tops a great season for the Junior Club – congratulations to all the players and to their coaches.
On 8th December four teams met up for our annual Christmas Bonspiel. After two fun games winning honours went to Ronnie Whyte, whose team included Phil T, Morty, and Danielle. The runner up was Craig McNaughton, playing with Nicki, Ross, and Martin. Well done all.
After the game we were joined by Judith, Jane, and Rod for a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Than you to Rhiann who organised the bonspiel but was unfortunately unable to attend, and also to Iseabal for organising the prizes. Thats it for another year – Merry Christmas.
Last weekend saw the Aberdeen qualifier for the 2020 Henderson Bishop Competition. The winning team was Banchory Ladies, skipped by Petroleum’s Irene Duncan and also including Karen Shaw. Congratulations to Irene and her team. The runners up was Jackie Lockart, whose team included our own Claire Perras and Lorna Smith. Both of these teams will progress to the national finals, which will be held in Aberdeen at the end of February.
The Low Road was won by Rhiann Macleod’s team, which included Erica Mitchell, Nicki Orr, and Lynsey Macalister – congratulations to Rhiann and her team.
On Sunday our autumn league came to a close, with Rhiann finishing in the winning position. Rhiann won 7 and lost 3 giving 14 points ; while Ian won 6, lost 2, and peeled 2 also earning 14 points but with fewer ends. Dillan came in third on 11 points. Congratulations to Rhiann and her team of Rosemary, Nicki, Ali, and Andy, and well done also to the runners up.
We hope that everyone enjoys their break from curling over the holiday period and would like to wish all members a Merry Christmas.
The 2019 autumn league is now half complete and results are very close. Rhiann is ahead of Ian on ends, while Rod is only 1 point behind. So all to play for between now and Christmas. Check the competitions page for details.
On Sunday 10th November Petroleum held their annual club points competition. This event attracted a strong turnout, with 17 members taking part. Several had never played points before, and some of the newcomers learned fast and played well enough to finish well up the results table.
Winner on the day was Craig McNaughton, who had travelled up from Fife to take part. Craig scored 23 points after 5 disciplines, closely followed by Rhiann and Ian who both scored 22. Many people found the swingy ice challenging ! Well done all. Last year’s winner Sarah presented Craig with our new Points Trophy.
The Aberdeen Petroleum Curling Club was founded in 1977. To mark our recent 40th anniversary a booklet recording the club’s history has now been published. Copies are available for the very reasonable cost of £3 from the secretary.
On 12th May 2019 a stong turnout of 28 members attended the club AGM at Roy and Neva’s house in Bieldside. Dillan Perras was re-elected as President, and Malcolm Watson as secretary/treasurer. Match secretary Andy Carr requested to stand down after many years of service and was replaced by Rod Mackenzie. After the conclusion of the formal business trophies and prizes for the 18-19 season were presented. Members and their guests then enjoyed a barbecue and garden sports, which marked the end of another season. Many thanks to Roy and Neva for their hospitality.