Club History

The Aberdeen Petroleum Curling Club was founded in 1977. To mark our recent 40th anniversary a booklet recording the club’s history has now been published. Copies are available for the very reasonable cost of £3 from the secretary.

AGM and barbecue

On 12th May 2019 a stong turnout of 28 members attended the club AGM at Roy and Neva’s house in Bieldside. Dillan Perras was re-elected as President, and Malcolm Watson as secretary/treasurer. Match secretary Andy Carr requested to stand down after many years of service and was replaced by Rod Mackenzie. After the conclusion of the formal business trophies and prizes for the 18-19 season were presented. Members and their guests then enjoyed a barbecue and garden sports, which marked the end of another season. Many thanks to Roy and Neva for their hospitality.