The NE province held their first doubles competition on Saturday 17th November 2018. The rules were similar to those for mixed doubles (see below), but there was no stipulation on players’ gender. Two sections of six teams each played three 5-end games, using the schenkel system.
Petroleum entered two teams. Rhiann Macleod and Ian Grigor topped the red section, winning all three of their games. Philip Scott and Alistair Oag topped the blue section, but were level with Meldrum & Daviot and Aberdeen on 2 wins each, and level with M&D on 10 ends each ; so the result was decided on shot difference. Well done to winners Rhiann, Ian, Philip, and Alistair.

The winners receiving their prizes from Alan Johnston
A Summary of doubles rules :
Doubles is played in teams of two curlers. Each end starts with a stone being placed on the centre line in the free guard zone (this is a stone of the team without hammer), a second stone is placed on the centre line at the back of the 4ft circle (this is a stone of the team with hammer). Each team then throws 5 stones with one curler throwing the first and the final stone, the other throwing the middle 3 stones. No Stones can be removed from play until the fourth stone of an end.