Curl Aberdeen Club Bonspiel

The 1st club bonspiel of the year was held last Saturday (October 6th) at Curl Aberdeen.  Aberdeen Petroleum were represented by Ian, Rhian, Sarah and Bill.

The team had a successful day and won the bonspiel – well done team!

Pictures can be found on the link below (from Curl Aberdeen Facebook)

If you are interested in playing competitions please let the committee know or send a note to


Welcome to

Welcome Brother and Sister Curlers to the new Aberdeen Petroleum Curling Club website!

So why do we need a new web site? Some of you may have noticed that our older posts were disappearing as new posts arrived – this was due to the hosting restrictions and limited storage provided by the RCCC. The limit was in size was in fact about the same as 12 – 15 photos on your phone! The new site will allow us to archive the club for years without having to move or delete any of the older information. In addition the site name should be easier to remember.

The site is still being developed but as far as I can tell it is running as per expectation (until I mess it up somehow) – if you have any ideas or additions you would like to see please send them to This is the club address being monitored by myself and soon by the rest of the committee.

Thanks and good curling,