40th Anniversary AGM

On 14th May APCC members celebrated the club’s 40th anniversary when they gathered in Bieldside for their annual AGM, prizegiving, and barbeque.  Ian Grigor presided over a strong turn-out of 25 members – minutes will be circulated shortly.  Many thanks to those who brought along contributions of food or raffle prizes, and special thanks to Roy and Neva Haites who hosted the event.  Prior to the meeting some members enjoyed a round of golf ; and afterwards members enjoyed games of table tennis, volleyball, and boules in brilliant Spring sunshine.  Prizes were presented by special guest Tom Brewster, and are listed below.


Thirds Competition – Sarah Glidden, with Ian Grigor, David Addison, and Rogan Milne (absent)

autumn 1

Autumn League – Dillan Perras with Brian Stewart, Rod MacKenzie, and Fraser Grant (absent)


Spring league – Dillan Perras with Fraser Garrow (absent), Rosemary Morrison (absent), and Philip Townsend (absent)

most imp1

Most Improved Player – Malcolm Watson


Dennis Burdek cuts the APCC 40th anniversary cake